i18n fix for kontact kmail-plugin

Stefan Winter mail at stefan-winter.de
Fri Apr 2 16:31:06 BST 2004


the summary page in Kontact for new mails shows mail folder names 
untranslated, e.g. "drafts", even if a language is set. The KMail component 
itself works alright. I would like to commit a one-line patch to the 
summarywidget.cpp in kontact.
As far as I can tell it does not break any translations and does not even 
introduce a new string - all those strings are already there for the kmail 
component itself, so we´d get the summary page translated for free, and even 
still in 3.2.2. If noone objects, I am going to commit it around midday 
tomorrow (11 CET).

Index: summarywidget.cpp
RCS file: /home/kde/kdepim/kontact/plugins/kmail/summarywidget.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -r1.22 summarywidget.cpp
<         KURLLabel *urlLabel = new KURLLabel( QString::null, folderPath,
>         KURLLabel *urlLabel = new KURLLabel( QString::null, 


Stefan Winter

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