How to set focus to another application?

\"shaheed r. haque\" srhaque at
Tue Sep 30 16:47:34 BST 2003

Quoting Lubos Lunak <l.lunak at>:

> usually the right choice. However, are you sure the visual keyboard should 
> really work that way? I cannot really check, because I don't know the source
> (was that [1] meant to mention URL later?). Wouldn't it be for example better
> if the visual keyboard was a non-focusable window, that would simply feed the
> faked keypresses to whichever window is active? Which with XTest would just 
> mean generating the events, as you don't need to target those, they'll go to
> the focused window. The user would then normally change active windows as 
> usually.

Yes, the [1] was meant to point out that this is a nascent application that's 
not yet ready to go into kdenonbeta, but I'll put a the source/binary on an FTP 
site a bit later.

But I don't understand the comment about a non-focusable window - forgive my 
ignorance, but how would one click on the keys in Viki if it did not have 
focus? If there was a way, that would definitely be a better UI design...maybe 
the answer will be clearer when I get you the source/binary. I'll drop you a 
private note when this is up.

Thanks, Shaheed

P.S. Thanks for clarifying about the bugfixng only being relevant in HEAD.

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