Textfile classification (encoding, languages etc.)

Zack Rusin zack at kde.org
Thu Sep 25 21:17:52 BST 2003

On Thursday 25 September 2003 15:54, Malte Starostik wrote:
> I didn't know Enchant, looks interesting, provided our frontend to
> the frontend would stay reasonably small.

It would be pretty much the same as the one we'd have to write from 
scratch. Enchant uses stl and we'd want our api to expose Qt containers 
so we'd have to wrap everything that we'd want to use anyway. So the 
version using Enchant would look exactly like the version we'd have if 
we decided to write it from scratch. The only difference is that we 
wouldn't have to be writting our own ispell/aspell/pspell/myspell 
backends but then again we actually do might want to do that. 

> I've based the implementation on the Linuga::Ident perl module which
> uses tri- and bigrams. "Based on" means a bit more than a plain
> perl-C++ translation and a bit less than a complete rewrite. It's
> damn small but reliable.

Hey, I'd love to see it. Maybe we could create a language module in 
kdenonbeta where you could put your work and I'd start working there on 
the new kspell version?


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