KConfig sync speedup patch rev 1

Ian Reinhart Geiser geiseri at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 10 02:33:55 BST 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 09 September 2003 03:44 pm, Waldo Bastian wrote:
> On Tuesday 09 September 2003 15:09, Ian Reinhart Geiser wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 	At n7y I worked out this patch with the help of david.  It seems to
> > speed up some apps when i measure them with calltree.  The issue was that
> > before this patch every time you call sync the config file is reparsed. 
> > This patch causes the config file not to be reparsed unless it has
> > changed on disk since the last write.
> >
> > 	In kmail with calltree without it I seem to see 10% of startup time
> > spent in KConfigINIBackend::sync(), where as after the patch it only
> > spends about 7%....  Im still not sure if these numbers are accurate, so
> > im hopeful others can test, modify this patch.
> I have committed a slightly modified version of your patch. If kmail spends
> so much time in sync() though it probably means that sync() gets called way
> too often in the first place.

What was the patch?  Since i had tons of conflicts i was not sure what was 
changed.  Or are some of us amune to review ;)

As for sync, imho you can never call sync too much, its an important thing to 
keep things safe in case of the regular crashes apps can have.  Also its not 
so much the fact that sync is expensive, its the reparse that is.... and its 
not really the reparse but the horrible mischoice we made with the QMap and 
its slow operation.  

So is my patch no longer needed?  

	-ian reinhart geiser
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- --:Ian Reinhart Geiser <geiseri at yahoo.com>
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- --:Be an optimist -- at least until they start moving animals in 
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