kde-cvs mailinglist reorganization

Olivier Goffart ogoffart at tiscalinet.be
Tue Sep 9 14:30:46 BST 2003

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Le Mardi 9 Septembre 2003 15:13, Rob Kaper a écrit :

> - Have extra mailinglists per module. This doesn't mean kde-cvs as is needs
>   to go, as it'll still be ALL in CVSROOT/loginfo, but it allows for
>   smaller distributions channels alongside the existing one. In fact,
>   Atlantik commits are already also sent to atlantik-cvs at mail.kde.org. This
>   is - safe for the extra mailinglist administration - by far the easiest
> to maintain and configure.

> On the long-run I think a module-based seperation is a decent
> compromise. It works for discussion, after all. I'm on kde-games-devel, not
> kmail-devel, so to me it would be perfectly logical to be on kde-games-cvs
> and not on kmail-cvs.

I think a per module cvs would be nice:
kde-cvs-games at kde.org , kde-cvs-network at kde.org, ...
in addition to the existing kde-cvs at kde.org

the thing we should care is that when we reply to mails, we reply to both 
kde-cvs-module at kde.org AND kde-cvs at kde.org

Personaly, i don't suscribe to kde-cvs for that reason.  I have a bookmark to 
http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-cvs&s=kopete which show exactly what i want to 
read, but it's a bit difficult to reply.

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