kdeaccessibility module as official part of KDE
Gunnar Schmi Dt
gunnar at schmi-dt.de
Fri Sep 5 10:25:10 BST 2003
Hash: SHA1
On Thursday 04 September 2003 14:53, James Michael Greenhalgh wrote:
> On September 01, 2003 12:36, Stephan Binner wrote:
> > On Friday 29 August 2003 12:34, Gunnar Schmi Dt wrote:
> > > On the kde-accessibility mailing list we agreed that we want the
> > > kdeaccessibility module to become an official part of KDE 3.2.
> >
> > I would like to see this happen too.
> >
> > > Currently the kdeaccessibility module contains the three applications
> > > KMagnifier, KMouseTool and KMouth. All three are quite stable.
> Might want to consider kttsd? ... I've used it successfully with festival
> and naturally a nice complement to kmouth. Not sure if it's 'release
> quality' though.
> -James
Well, the original author (Pupeno) left our project (due to missing time), and
I officially took the maintainership of kttsd. However, I did not yet test
all features (sayMessage and sayWarning work, but I did not test long texts).
On the TODO list prior to a release are also some additional things:
1. Clean up in the user interface of the KCM.
2. Write an applet (or a system tray application) that allows to navigate in
the long text (and possibly to clear the queue of messages and warnings)
3. Add some function to the plug in interface that allows to interrupt the
currently spoken sentence
4. Interconnect kttsd with the standard notification mechanism
When looking through this list I suppose that kttsd is not yet ready to be
released. It will in any case be ready for KDE 3.3 (or KDE 4.0 if that will
be the next KDE version after 3.2).
Gunnar Schmi Dt
- --
Co-maintainer of the KDE Accessibility Project
Maintainer of the kdeaccessibility package
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
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