Fwd: RFC: Removal of KAutoConfig / KAutoConfigDialog
Ian Reinhart Geiser
geiseri at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 30 13:34:55 GMT 2003
Hash: SHA1
On Thursday 30 October 2003 07:35 am, Jason Keirstead wrote:
> Nevertheless I don't really agree with Waldo's reasoning... if any apps are
> using KCAutoConfigModule, (even if it's only Kopete ATM), and there is no
> replacement for it yet, then it's kind of unjust to yank it out from under
> our feet while all the way in a beta freeze. Surely he realizes that
> removing this from libkopete will require huge Kopete code changes ( it's
> used in nearly every plugin, and in two protocol plugins ) and has a high
> probability of introducing new bugs?
Well the rub there is that someone else may use it in the 3.2 and beyond
release... If there is a bug, with the api, we are suck. Id reccomend
pulling the KCAutoconfigModule into kopete for now... if you replace it,
fine, if you fix it better... i think the worst thing you can do is push
unused apis into kdelibs.
just my 2c
-ian reinhart geiser
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- --:Ian Reinhart Geiser <geiseri at yahoo.com>
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- --:Be an optimist -- at least until they start moving animals in
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