[PATCH] Support for multiple languages in KDictSpellingHighlighter
Ingo Klöcker
kloecker at kde.org
Sun Oct 19 22:23:19 BST 2003
the patches do the following.
KSpellConfig::fillDicts( QComboBox *box ) fills a combo box with the
available dictionaries. But it doesn't set the currently used
dictionary as current item of the combo box. This patch fixes this bug.
It's a bug because there is no other way to set the correct current
item because the user of KSpellConfig only knows about the human
readable dictionary names but not about the internal dictionary names.
Without this fix fillDicts is completely useless.
Currently KDictSpellingHighlighter (the class that's for example used in
KMail for as-you-type spell checking) has a static cache for already
checked words and uses the global KSpellConfig. In order to be able to
compose two messages in different languages at the same time in KMail
it's necessary to add support for a custom KSpellConfig to
KDictSpellingHighlighter. Furthermore the static cache is useless for
multiple languages. Therefore this patch makes KDictSpellingHighlighter
use a non-static cache in case a custom KSpellConfig is provided.
With those two patches in kdelibs it was quite easy to add a language
selection box to KMail's composer (which is a must for multilingual
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