dcop services

Tobias Koenig tokoe at kde.org
Sat Oct 18 22:39:15 BST 2003

On Sat, Oct 18, 2003 at 12:02:07AM -0400, Ian Reinhart Geiser wrote:
> On Sunday 12 October 2003 08:13 pm, George Staikos wrote:
Hi Ian,

> >   I don't know what scheme is best, but we have to have one.  Tying up ram
> > 
 like this is a bad idea, and really quite annoying.
> Since im basicly the author of both, and they are based off the same basic 
> template, it would be trivial to add a timeout from a last access point of 
> view.  
But then an application has to check if the dcop service is available
whenever it tries to access a service and restart it when necessary...

> I have toyed with this for a while, but was wanting to attack this problem 
> more in the dcop server end of things.
... can the dcop server handels such cases?

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