"Folder" or "Directory"?

Craig Drummond Craig.Drummond at gmx.net
Thu Oct 16 14:53:32 BST 2003

> First of all, KDE is not an OS. Under Un*x, it has been called directory
> for 
> over 30 years. Why must KDE now rename it? Also, how does the notation of 
> folders with subfolders and subsubfolders fit?

I know KDE is not an OS. But it is abstracting the OS from the user. One of
these abstrations is the notion of a folder - which is what KDE *shows* to
the user.  

And whats wrong with folders in folders? Again this *is* what KDE *shows* to
the user. My point agin - if your gonna show it as a folder, at least call
it a folder.

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