"Folder" or "Directory"?

Craig Drummond Craig.Drummond at gmx.net
Thu Oct 16 12:55:14 BST 2003

> On Thursday 16 October 2003 13:40, Craig Drummond wrote:
> > The outcome of this seemed to be that file system folders should be
> named
> > directories, while non-filesystem folders (like kmail folders) should be
> named
> > folders.
> This looks like a sane outcome to me, and it matches what we currently do,
> doesn't it? 

Well I don't think this is a sane outcome, and I'm not the only one. Troels
Tolstrup (kde-usability) : "I personally think this is rather insane, as i
doubt any normal users will be able to make that distinction."

If we use the *same* icon to represent something - surely it should have the
*same* name? Why call something a "directory", and show a picture of a
"folder"? "Folder" (IMHO) is a *much* easier concept for a user to grasp. Calling
something a "directory" is exposing the implementation detail - which is not
required. Most other OS's call it a folder - so why don't we? The argument
that its because its what we currently do is *very* weak...


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