[PATCH] KImgIO replacement

Simon Hausmann hausmann at kde.org
Mon Oct 6 17:04:14 BST 2003

On Mon, Oct 06, 2003 at 09:38:30AM +0200, Szombathelyi György wrote:
> Hi!
> Is this a so dumb idea, that nobody interested? See:
> http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-core-devel&m=106509517130402&w=2

In addition to Stephan's point IMHO the advantage of KImageIO
outweighs the advantages of having those plugins available to
qt-only apps and not having to call a registration function once.
The advantage is that with KImageIO each plugin gets loaded only
when it is needed, unlike with Qt's image plugins which get _all_
loaded as soon as at least one handler is needed. Loading only the
shared objects necessary is IMHO the main point of them being


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