KConfig XT: kconfig_compiler & friends

Ian Reinhart Geiser geiseri at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 2 14:26:55 BST 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 02 October 2003 05:57 am, Waldo Bastian wrote:
> On Thursday 02 October 2003 10:37, Cornelius Schumacher wrote:
> > That said, I agree with you, that Waldo should have given other
> > developers the opportunity to comment on his changes before committing
> > them to CVS.
> I considered that but I thought it would be easier to discuss things with
> the stuff in CVS since that makes it easier for everyone to try it out and
> play with it. A patch would have had to be rather big and I doubt that
> anyone would have bothered trying it out.

Yeah but that is basicly what Ben did too... Its just no-one said anything 
really until now.   Yes kdenonbeta is a dumping ground, but its a safe place 
to work.  librss/dcoprss etc where worked on there for almost a year, before 
enough "interest" and debugging got them moved.   Why didnt either of these 
show up somewhere to get beat on before we could see them in kdelibs?  Not to 
go say either of these is bad or not, but with the spector of kconfig_update 
never seeming to work always just right for users (this is mostly when there 
is a mixed enviroment and not all workstations are upgraded yet) dorking with 
the config backend scares me...   (note im not completely aware of the 
history, i just know this stuff keeps popping up in kdelibs)

Basicly the way I see it as a "gee id like to use KDE to develop my 
application"  KAutoConfig simplifies things, while its quite limited and can 
handle few things more advanced than a line edit or checkbox, its pretty good 
for a first wack.  The cfg option (unless zack can have his tool done by 3.2) 
will be impossible to use imho.  I mean how many of us would use .ui files 
without designer ;)

KAutoConfig, i think is a nice way to go with the GUI.  But like its been 
stated here before, it makes the default values completely inaccessable to 
the admin.  As a recovering sysadmin the cfg file option is a wet dream.  Do 
any of you know what a nightmare it is do know what the hell ANY option is in 
a config file and on top of that sync up more than 5 machines?!  Im not only 
talking KDE here, windows is even worse.  I think the cfg approach would make 
KDE more appealing to the poor guys in the trenches adimining this stuff...

In short:
	KAutoConfig - pretty GUI, easy to edit for developers, limited in options 
supported, but no change in config backend.
	cfg files - afaik no official way to develop them (zack?), makes documenting, 
maintaining (can we autobuild kconfig_update scripts with this, or version 
the .cfg files to get arround the pain of people who go back and forth?) 

	Really imho they are screaming to be merged, but not like my opinion will 
matter, I just want to use the thing ;)

	-ian reinhart geiser
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- --:Ian Reinhart Geiser <geiseri at yahoo.com>
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- --:Be an optimist -- at least until they start moving animals in 
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