AW: uic kde-plugin detection problem on cygwin

Ralf Habacker Ralf.Habacker at
Sat Nov 29 11:00:47 GMT 2003

> Am Samstag 29 November 2003 01:44 schrieb Ralf Habacker:
> > Would it be possible to add -i to the grep, because in systems, 
> which grep
> > is case insensitive adding this switch does not have any 
> effect. (A patch
> > is listed below)
> Did you read the comment above the grep? I guess not. Fact is: the check
> succeeded in finding out your installation doesn't work.
Yes I have read it more than twice and I'm porting kde to a new platform, so it would be nice if someone could tell me whre the lower case term "klineedit" should be in the actest.cpp. Is this refering to an include statement include klineedit.h or to which is this refering ? 



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