KSCD, showstopper list

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at kde.org
Mon Nov 24 22:42:05 GMT 2003

On Monday 24 November 2003 22:45, Maksim Orlovich wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Nov 2003, Ingo [iso-8859-1] Klöcker wrote:
> > What about a faster way for us to report bugs? Just a single page
> > with all the necessary options. I mean, we don't really need a
> > wizard, right? Maybe there should even be an option to disable
> > checking for duplicates.
> What makes you think developers don't file duplicate?

Nothing, but considering the huge number of bugs that I close as 
duplicate I have my doubts that checking for duplicates really helps 
that much. Sometimes people file bugs which are so obviously duplicates 
(the dupe is shown as one of the first few candidates for duplicates) 
that I get the impression that they simply ignore the duplicates.

Back to the developers: I wrote that _maybe_ there should be an option. 
I didn't write it should always be off. Of course, a developers should 
only disable checking for duplicates if he's really sure that there's 
no duplicate. Anyway, this discussion is purely academic now that 
Daniel told us about the original Bugzilla Report Bug form.

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