RFC: Removal of KAutoConfig / KAutoConfigDialog

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Thu Nov 13 03:08:04 GMT 2003

Hash: SHA1

Hi Benjamin...

On Wednesday 12 November 2003 07:24, Benjamin Meyer wrote:
> No.  I will simply not commit all the work I have done once head opens
> again.
 I'll let you and everyone port them yourselves sense what I have
> done is "just a waste of time" and you wouldn't want it anyway.
> And your welcome for all of the work I have done so far.

i don't think this is the spirit this conversation was originally meant to go 
in. at least i hope not, because your work is appreciated; at the same time 
there was a decision made to use a different set of classes, and i think some 
of us are concerned that your efforts are not being put to full use as they 
are going into further adoption of the deprecated set of classes.

outside of the cold world of technical reasons, here's how i feel (yeah, a 
four letter word;) about this: i'm sure that having your classes put into 
kdelibs was exciting, and having them pulled out again just as dissapointing. 
but that is the evolutionary nature of Open Source development; in this case 
your efforts inspired and encouraged the direction we've gone in and the work 
you did to port various parts of KDE to using an automated config system has 
been of benefit as you did a lot of drudge work. 

i really hope that this isn't a case of sour grapes or hurt feelings on your 
end, or that you feel at odds with the direction of things.

if it isn't, great. but if it is, i'd encourage you (hopefully with the 
support of everyone =) to look at the positives: we've finally got an 
automated config system in KDE's libs, and that was a journey you were an 
important part of. KDE is better for it, something i'm sure we're all excited 

- -- 
luv, Aaron J. Seigo
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