RFC: Removal of KAutoConfig / KAutoConfigDialog

Chris Howells howells at kde.org
Thu Nov 13 02:06:49 GMT 2003

Hash: SHA1


On Thursday 13 November 2003 00:12, Benjamin Meyer wrote:
> You provided a link to the thread and didn't even sumerize it right.
> KAutoConfig is being copied to all remaining applications that havn't been
> ported and then being removed from kdelibs.

Indeed, which is why I mentioned that in a follow-up post.

> Did you even bother reading my post?

Nah, I just thought I'd reply for the hell of it ;)

> When an application is ported to use 
> an auto configured dialog be it KAutoConfig or KConfig_Compiler you have to
> do the __SAME__ thing!  It is like building two cars, but one is blue and
> one is red.  Just because the color is different doesn't mean that 99% of
> the work isn't the same.

Right, but your blue car is being painted red first, then being painted blue 
afterwards. In essence: you might as well port to KConfigXT, not add 
dependencies to depracated classes.

- -- 
Cheers, Chris Howells -- chris at chrishowells.co.uk, howells at kde.org
Web: http://chrishowells.co.uk, PGP ID: 0x33795A2C
KDE/Qt/C++/PHP Developer: http://www.kde.org
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (FreeBSD)


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