[PATCH] Keramik & toolbarbutton mouse-over...

Craig Drummond Craig.Drummond at gmx.net
Tue Nov 11 10:11:00 GMT 2003

> Good catch, thanks. However, notice how this does not work with Qt's own 
> styles either, so I think it would be best to fix KToolBarButton. In fact,
> I 
> just did that -- it now sets the Raise flag on all hovered buttons.

Cool - I knew the patch was more a hack than a real fix - as I said it only
worked for styles that did button (etc) highlighting (as they store a "hover

Anyway, I'll try your fix soon - sounds *much* better than my little hack!
This non-mouse-over behaviour really irked me before - as it made it look like
some buttons were disabled.

> Even with change there is still a slight difference --- toggle buttons do
> not get highlift font color when text  is on on hover like others do..
> because the m_isRaised() is essentially hasMouse() && !toggleButton() done
> a  difficult way (and something that can probably probably be a bit 
> simplified/cleaned up for 3.3). I am not sure whether that's worth
> changing that bit of behavior or not. 

Well I suppose for consistency it is.


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