PATCH: kdelibs/kdeui/ktoolbarbutton.cpp

Martin Pley kde-core-devel at
Mon Nov 10 12:23:53 GMT 2003

Am Sonntag, 9. November 2003 22:26 schrieb Waldo Bastian:
> On Sat November 08 2003 19:18, Martin Pley wrote:
> > Patch below fixes a crash when using KToolBarButton with parent !=
> > KToolBar
> > If it's okay as it is, I'll commit.
> Why do you change:
> -    m_iconSize    = 0;
> +    m_iconSize    = IconSize( KIcon::Toolbar );

That member-variable will be overwritten in every construcor of KToolBarButton  
when you use a KToolBar as parent. But when parent is a plain QWidget it 
would stay 0 and you can't change it anymore. So, if you want an icon on the 
button when parent != KToolBar, this default-value should be >0;


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