Serious spell-checker problems

David Faure faure at
Sun Nov 9 21:19:27 GMT 2003

On Sunday 09 November 2003 22:12, Andras Mantia wrote:
> Oh, I didn't know this. Are the commands documented somewhere (if there are 
> any other commands)?

Yes, in the mail I sent at the time when I implemented this ;-)
-done, -close, -closed, -fixed are all aliases.
-reopen works
-<other resolutions>, like invalid and wontfix (is there any other resolution?) all work,
only -duplicate doesn't.

> I don't know how these mails are parsed but if the subject is also parsed it 
> can be something like:
> To: 12345-duplicate at
> Subject: 54321
> Means 12345 is the duplicate of 54321, thus it can be closed.

Patches to bugs/bugz/ welcome :)

David FAURE, faure at, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
Konqueror (, and KOffice (

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