[PATCH] WhatsThis links in KActiveLabels

Fabian Wolf fabianw at gmx.net
Sun Mar 30 17:31:40 BST 2003

On Sunday 30 March 2003 18:14, Tim Jansen wrote:
> Hi...
> I would like to add the attached patch to kdelibs/kdeui/kactivelabel.*.
> [...]

--- kactivelabel.h      Sun Mar 30 18:28:20 2003
+++ kactivelabel.h     Sun Mar 30 18:27:37 2003
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
      * Opens @p link in the default browser.
      * If @p link starts with the text "whatsthis:" a @ref QWhatsThis
-     * box will appear and the display the rest of the text. The WhatsThis
+     * box will appear and then display the rest of the text. The WhatsThis
      * functionality is available since KDE 3.2.
     virtual void openLink(const QString & link);

* 100,000 lemmings can't be wrong
-------------- next part --------------
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