WindowMaker like key shortcuts(Was: Re: patch for double clicking to bring up key-capture dialog)

Ellis Whitehead ellis at
Sat Mar 22 08:15:02 GMT 2003

On Tuesday 11 March 2003 10:36, Alexander Kellett wrote:
> Hiya all,
> Who objects to the addition of one more set of keyboard shortcut
> defaults - "Guru/WindowMaker/Enlightenment-like". Someone needs
> to come up with a better name of course :)
> In short: Alt-1 to Alt-9 for desktop change and Ctrl-Alt-1
> for move window to Desktop, Alt-Esc for kill window, and
> the rest basically the same as the KDE default (I think).
> A number of people on IRC liked the idea as they set these
> everytime they install KDE :)

I'd be entirely in favor of it.  If you're sure that those are the only 
changes, I'll add it.


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