now severely off-topic rant about people's styles of stating opinions (was: Re: RFC: KConfig XT (KDE 3.2))

Daniel Stone dstone at
Tue Mar 18 04:51:20 GMT 2003

On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 02:34:03PM +0100, Michael Matz scrawled:
> On Mon, 17 Mar 2003, Daniel Stone wrote:
> > good work. you've won, so i don't see any need to continue posting to
> > this bullshit thread.
> Which will be very refreshing for those of us, who are able to write
> normal sentences without becoming vulgar every second one.  If one needs
> to shout, one clearly has no arguments left, so the mindful one would have
> stopped writing.

There's a difference between "vulgar" and "blunt". If you are in any
offended by this, killfile me, ask Waldo to remove me, or just ignore
it. I'm calling it as I see it, as I regularly do. It's my style, and
I'm not going to change it because it occasionally rubs some people the
wrong way.

Daniel Stone 	     <daniel at>             <dstone at>
Developer -,
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