Replace KcmFontinst with kio_fonts

Jason Keirstead jason at
Tue Mar 11 23:18:27 GMT 2003

On March 11, 2003 06:02 pm, Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> BTW, I never knew (back in the days when I was still using Win) that
> fonts could be installed in Win simply by copying them to the fonts
> directory. I always used the Fonts applet from the System
> Configuration.

The Windows Fonts applet in system configuration *is* the Fonts folder. It is just
an embedded explorer view. Which is exactly what we should do with this,
simply make the KCM an embedded Konq view of fonts:/, so people still
have a fonts KCM, but can also access it convienently via Konq/

Jason Keirstead, BCS

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