glib dependancy in KDE3.x

Alexander Kellett lypanov at
Thu Mar 6 09:24:59 GMT 2003

On Thu, Mar 06, 2003 at 10:03:55AM +0100, Stefan Westerfeld wrote:
> Not only is this wasted time, at this point I don't see any reason to avoid
> that KDE4 depends on glib, because its fairly certain that the best
> abstraction for media streams out there is GStreamer. Not accepting glib as
> "valid platform for implementing things" also is the cause of lots of
> interoperability issues with GNOME.

very much agreed. the interoperability base libraries would be 
much easier for the limited manpower if they would not have to
rewrite the glib stuff every time. your points also make a lot
of sense, no use in duplicating code between arts and glib.

i'm 100% for the addition of glibc therefore.


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