Combo repaint (Was:KDE 3.1.4)

Maksim Orlovich mo002j at
Wed Jul 30 13:42:08 BST 2003

On Wed, 30 Jul 2003, Ralf Nolden wrote:

> >
> > Are their known issues? (I know of one toolbar layout fix)
> I encounter repaint errors on combo boxes with keramik on webpages like www.
>, I guess that's one of the style bugs. When you go over the 
> combo with the mouse, a repaint event gets triggered and the text on the 
> combo is displayed correctly.

What combination of Qt/KDE version? Dirk reported something like that
w.3.2/HEAD, and not 3.1.3/3.1.2, but I can't reproduce :-(. If anyone has
any hints on reproducing I'd appreciate that.

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