KDE 3.1.4 (Was: Qt 3.2 requirement)

Ralf Nolden nolden at kde.org
Wed Jul 30 11:17:03 BST 2003

On Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2003 11:14, Waldo Bastian wrote:
> On Wednesday 30 July 2003 10:37, Marc Mutz wrote:
> > > to play devil's advocate[1], the flip side to the coin is that
> > > maintaining multiple versions of Qt means:
> > >
> > >  o having to work around bugs / misfeatures that are already fixed in
> > > Qt 3.2
> >
> > So, what about the poor KDE 3.1.x users? Are they stuck with the bugs?
> That's a good question. I suggest that there will be a KDE 3.1.4 that works
> correctly with Qt 3.2 (In addition to Qt 3.1).
> Are their known issues? (I know of one toolbar layout fix)

I encounter repaint errors on combo boxes with keramik on webpages like www.
pro-linux.de, I guess that's one of the style bugs. When you go over the 
combo with the mouse, a repaint event gets triggered and the text on the 
combo is displayed correctly.

Waldo: can we make a document on developer.kde.org to track down those errors 
so we know when we can drop the < qt-3.2 requirement so I can update Qt in 
debian unstable and then proceed with an updated KDE 3.1 ?


> I believe there have been people who did work to port KDE 3.1.x to work
> correctly with Qt 3.2, have those changes made it into CVS already? Will
> they?
> Cheers,
> Waldo

We're not a company, we just produce better code at less costs.
Ralf Nolden
nolden at kde.org

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