
Craig Drummond Craig.Drummond at gmx.net
Tue Jul 22 14:48:19 BST 2003

>    FT_Has_PS_Glyph_Names' undeclared (first use this function)
> 08: 

Oops, same undefined function as before, sorry :-(

> This is silly, the old way works perfectly.  Why do we feel the need to
> tra
> sh 
> the core KDE like this?

Because it doesn't work perfectly. The parts you're having problems with are
to do with detecting the encdodings used in a font. The old method had
problems, and this new method is taken from "mkfontscale", and (therefore) should
be much better.

And how am I trashng the code KDE? The only problems you're having so far
are compile problems, I hardly see this as trashing.

Anyway, I've attatched another patch - to solve the problem above.

> - -ian reinhart geiser


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