Moving KMail, KNode, Korn and related libraries to kdepim

Alexander Kellett lypanov at
Tue Jan 14 12:19:32 GMT 2003

On Fri, Jan 10, 2003 at 09:36:25AM +0100, Ingo Kl?cker wrote:
> the question whether KMail should be moved to kdepim has already arisen
> quite a few times on kmail at (and probably also elsewhere). Last
> week end at the Kroupware/Kaplan hack fest (cf. the Announcement on
> kde-core-devel on 21.12.02) we [1] took the chance to talk about this
> from face to face. After weighing the pros and the cons we finally came
> to the unanimous conclusion that KMail and the corresponding libs (and
> therefore also KNode and Korn which also depend on those libs) should
> be moved.

Hiya Ingo,

I was wondering. Someone on #kde just noted that kmail actually
has a dependancy on kdebase and not only on kdelibs, would it be
possible for this dependancy(ies?) (imap4 and pop3 was all that
i noticed at a quick glace) to be moved into the "new kdepim"?


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