kdebindings problems & questions
Ralf Nolden
nolden at kde.org
Sun Jan 12 03:48:08 GMT 2003
Hash: SHA1
while desperately trying to build kdebindings packages for the 3.1 release on
Debian, I took Karolina Lindquist's sources and modified the setup to match
the other KDE modules. Then I found a couple of things where I have some
questions and where I'd need some help :-)
The most serious thing is that in kdejava using builddir != srcdir doesn't
work. I never hit this error ever, but the argument list for the shell was
too long. Matze compiled it also and it worked for him - but with builddir ==
srcdir. So, obviously due to the java_JAVA target equals EXTRA_DIST, which is
over 4000 files in kdejava/koala/org/kde, using srcdir != builddir will
exceed the 32 k limit for command line arguments. I'm building now with
srcdir = builddir, but anyway, the maintainers ( hi Rich :-)) should take
care of that and split up the targets into separate sections for each KDE
library where a java binding gets created.
Now, for building the whole package, I assume that with Python directory the
path to the python modules that get installed locally are meant. So I set
this to /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages as it seems that python 2.2 is
checking for Python directory... /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages
checking for Python2.2... header /usr/include/python2.2 library
/usr/lib/python2.2/config modules /usr/lib/python2.2
checking if a Python application links... yes
As can be seen above, python works on Debian woody :-) but anyway, I get this:
checking if dcoppython should be compiled... no
at the end of configure. Which obviously belongs to:
cat dcoppython/configure.in.in
if test -z "$LIBPYTHON" || test -z "$PYTHONINC"; then
So, what the heck should I do to make dcoppython compile ? :-) Advice not paid
for but thankfully appreciated because it's 4:45 am and I'm tired :-)
Last thing is Java. Although I'm using j2sdk1.3:
checking for Java... java JDK in /usr/lib/j2se/1.3/bin
and kdejava / qtjava is set to be compiled, I get:
checking if dcopjava should be compiled... no
Can one of the java gurus explain me the difference between:
kdejava/configure.in.in :
and KDE_CHECK_JAVA([dcopjava]) ?? Thanks :-)
For the objective-c stuff I probably need more digging :-)
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Ralf Nolden
nolden at kde.org
The K Desktop Environment The KDevelop Project
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