A new KDE game

Pete Goodliffe pete at cthree.org
Fri Feb 28 11:33:07 GMT 2003

Hi guys,

I humbly present a new offering for the KDE project... I've written a neat 
little game that would fit quite well in KDE; there's nothing like it already 
present in kdegames. It's a pretty addictive little block-moving arcade 
puzzle called Enigma.

Check it out, see what you think, and if you'd like to incorporate it. It 
comes complete with a level editor, and the ability to be controlled in a 
tablet-based environment.

I'm aware that if it does go into KDE then I'll have responsibility to 
maintain it with all the KDE development work that goes on.

The code is available from CVS:

    CVSROOT=pserver:anonymous at philemon.dyndns.org:2401/export/sources/enigma/
    cvs login (No password, just hit return)
    cvs co enigma

Let me know what you think.



Pete Goodliffe, Senior Software Engineer

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