very frustrated with sizehint of KViewList/QViewList KTextEdit/QTextEdit

Willy De la Court Willy.DelaCourt at
Tue Feb 25 19:24:55 GMT 2003

hi all,

i'm getting ver frustrated with some layout problems i'v been chasing for a 
day now.

i'm using Qt Designer the UI file is attached

i have placed a ListView at the top then some buttons below and then an 
TextEdit box below. The problem i'm having is that the ListView and TextEdit 
are taking too much space vertically and i can't resize it lower i'v been 
looking at the source of QScrollview which is used in both and the sizeHint 
does the following

QSize QScrollView::sizeHint() const
    if ( d->use_cached_size_hint && d->cachedSizeHint.isValid() )
        return d->cachedSizeHint;

    int h = fontMetrics().height();
    if ( h < 10 )
        h = 10;
    int f = 2 * frameWidth();
    return QSize( (12 * h) + f, (8 * h) + f );

if i understand this correctly it sets the height of the widget to 8 times the 
height of the font in it. so the minimum height of this thing is 8 

the sizehint of QListView is even stranger

The point is what can i do about this or what am i doing wrong i'v seen 
KListView with only 2 or 3 lines maximum but i can't seem to figure out how 
to do that.

Simple things make people happy.
Willy De la Court

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