Checkboxes and clickable area

Wilco Greven greven at
Sat Feb 15 20:49:16 GMT 2003

On Saturday 15 February 2003 02:24, Carsten Pfeiffer wrote:
> Hiya,
> checkboxes have the habit of being toggled wherever you click on them. Not
> just on the actual checkable box, but also on the label.
> Using layouts, checkboxes may become very large, the label is simply
> stretched to the width dictated by the layout.
> Imagine a checkbox:
> [x] Check me
> |<--                             width                           -->|
> There is no visual hint where the checkbox ends (you might think it ends,
> where the text ends). But clicking anywhere next to the label activates the
> checkbox!

Yes, this sucks. Especially if the checkbox isn't visible when you click the 
area, so you don't see it being toggled. QListView has the same problem btw.

> I find this behavior rather irritating (I accidentally toggled checkboxes,
> when I just wanted to give focus to a dialog) and submitted a bugreport to
> TT. Unfortunately, that behavior is "Windows compatibility".

Too bad I don't have a Motif app at hand to test if the current behaviour 
breaks "Motif compatibilty" ;-)

> We could create a KCheckBox to fix that.

From the proposed options adding a style flag would be the best solution IMO. 
I don't think inconsistencies between styles is a problem. Isn't it actually 
one of the purposes of having several styles to allow a different 'feel'?


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