Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Sun Dec 7 18:48:02 GMT 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 06 December 2003 02:14, Christian Esken wrote:
> On Saturday 06 December 2003 07:00, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > 1) don't show the "Current mixer:" set of widgets if there is only one

> Is on schedule for after KDE3.2. I believe wishlist items are not to be
> fixed anymore.

this is a usability bug, not a whislist item. in fact, it's a bug i fixed for 
3.1 and which has now been reintroduced for 3.2.

a wishlist item is a new feature, or a new behaviour. usability is not a 
wishlist; this doesn't introduce any new strings, is a trivial change and 
fixes a regression.

> BTW: Why does your patch exchanges QHBoxLayout by QHBox?

so that it is easier to hide them all at once... one call to hide() instead of 
several. and this way if/when you add or change the widgets in that area you 
don't have to change the code that hides/shows them.

> Your fix is outdated. Don't apply it. The code already does it correctly,
> because it references the mouse button which shows the volume slider
> (currently middle mouse button).

hrm.. ok... we still need to switch the left and middle button behaviour.

- -- 
Aaron J. Seigo
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