
Martijn Klingens klingens at
Thu Aug 28 20:00:34 BST 2003

On Thursday 28 August 2003 19:57, Ralf Nolden wrote:
> I would even go as far as adding kopete today as a replacement. Waiting for
> day xyz just stretches the real inclusion and causes more confusion to
> everyone. Also if it is going to be in KDE 3.2, like coolo said, you have
> to add it this week anyway.

Well, it was more or less unanimously decided that we would go into 3.2 in the 
first place, so I wonder what makes Benjamin think we won't be going in 

Anyway, we decided not to move early because at that time (April IIRC) KDE 3.2 
was still far away and we have inbetween releases like 0.7. The issue stirred 
up after Kopete 0.7 was released a month ago on the Kopete list and the 
consensus was to wait until n7y (i.e. now) to find out whether kdepim would 
be better (because of future kmail integration) or kdenetwork.

I talked with David about this at dinner and it seems kdenetwork doesn't make 
kmail integration impossible.

To make a long story short: I now finally know where we should move to 
(kdenetwork), so I should just wait for consensus of the Kopete people and 
ask an admin to move the thing around.

kopete-devel: is tonight ok for a move or is that too fast? ;-)


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