[PATCH] Re: Recents apps in KDE menu confusing for users.

Waldo Bastian bastian at kde.org
Sun Aug 17 21:25:07 BST 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 17 August 2003 16:06, Thomas Schwarzgruber wrote:
> On Sunday 10 August 2003 15:46, Waldo Bastian wrote:
> > Your feedback is appreciated.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Waldo
> The new section titles don't look nice for me, but I understand that they
> are quite good for new users to KDE. So I decided that it should be in the
> hands of the user if the titles are shown or not. Per default they should
> be shown of course, but the user should could turn them off
> This two little patches (i am not so good in using the diff - these are my
> first patches ever) introduce a new checkbox in Desktop/panels
> (kcontrol.patch) and turns on new style (section titles) or old style (as
> we were used to see in former days) in the Kmenu (kicker.patch)
> Please send me your opinion to that patches

I don't think that providing options for such small details makes sense. I 
understand that people have grown fond of a certain look and that the 
transition to something different may be a little unsettling but I think you 
will get used to it rather quickly.

- -- 
bastian at kde.org -=|[ SuSE, The Linux Desktop Experts ]|=- bastian at suse.com
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