Reason for -no-stl in qt-copy configure recommendation?
Marc Mutz
Marc.Mutz at
Wed Apr 30 19:19:57 BST 2003
On Wednesday 30 April 2003 18:03, Dirk Mueller wrote:
> Right. And they just magically integrate with QTL, with no overhead
> at all.
> Nice. If it would be true.
> The copy constructors and assignment operator implementations I read
> always made a deep copy of the STL based container and constructed a
> QTL equivalent. Sounds like a clever and performant implementation
> for KDE.
How often do I have to repeat it until it's clear? It about the
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Thsoe are templates, they work with the Qt containers out of the box,
but not if Qt is compiled with -no-stl.
It's not about whether or not STL containers should be used in favour of
Qt ones. That's nothing -stl/-no-stl has any influence on.
It's not about copy-constructing Qt containers from STL ones. People can
always use qCopy for that anyway. That's nothing -stl/-no-stl has any
influence on.
It's _only_ about being able to use STL algorithms on Qt conatiners.
That's something -stl/-no-stl has influence on.
Is this now _finally_ clear? Fine. If not, re-read this mail until it
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