Reason for -no-stl in qt-copy configure recommendation?
Marc Mutz
Marc.Mutz at
Tue Apr 29 11:57:59 BST 2003
On Tuesday 29 April 2003 10:38, Alexander Kellett wrote:
> for the reaoson that George has already stated more than just
> a few times. people don't stick around, and inevitably in the
> end people who wish to fix bugs in the code are going to have
> a much more difficult job if its in write-only stl than if its
> in pure qt.
OK, so you don't understand STL code. You won't understand QTL code,
The STL line
result.erase( std::unique(result.begin(), result.end()), result.end() );
would read in QTL:
result.erase( qUnique(result.begin(), result.end()), result.end() );
And do you really mean that
result.erase( std::unique( result.begin(), result.end() ),result.end());
is "much more difficult" to maintain or understand than
QStringList::iterator it = result.begin();
for (QStringList::iterator ot = it++; it != result.end(); ot = it++)
if (*ot == *it) result.remove(ot);
? Wow again!
Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty -- Thomas Jefferson
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