[QKW PATCH] dcopidl/win32

Ian Reinhart Geiser geiseri at voix.home.geiseri.com
Mon Apr 28 22:58:24 BST 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 28 April 2003 05:27 pm, Ralf Habacker wrote:
> > 1. Create export file and update it any time then code seems to be
> > changed. It is (often) dependent on linker vendor (!) and inconvenient.
> > 2. Add special flags to class declarations that we want to make available
> > in library. To do this, we should use __declspec(dllexport) in .h file,
> > e.g.:
> This is only true, if you don't use g++/ld (mingw or cygwin based) on
> win32, because the mingw/cygwin ld contains special support to ensure
> mostly linux compatibility on windows. With this feature, the kde-cygwin
> releases could be build without any of this dump declspec stuff.

Ummm thats the point ;)

This is so we can use a native more stable Qt on win32.  This will aid the 
development of apps that can be more efficiently ported to KDE from win32.  
While cygwin is neat for playing around, it is by no means stable and fast 
enough for a company to ship an app on hence these changes are needed.

	-ian reinhart geiser

- -- 
- --:Ian Reinhart Geiser <geiseri at yahoo.com>
- --:Public Key: http://geiseri.myip.org:8080/publickey.txt
- --:Jabber: geiseri at geiseri.myip.org
- --:Be an optimist -- at least until they start moving animals in pairs to Cape 
Canaveral. ~ Source Unknown
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