Removal of KEdit

Neil Stevens neil at
Sat Apr 19 15:25:52 BST 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday April 19, 2003 06:52, Jason Keirstead wrote:
> On April 19, 2003 10:16 am, Neil Stevens wrote:
> > > 14404 jason     15   0 22120  21m  14m R  0.0  8.7   0:00.93 kedit
> > > 14615 jason     15   0 21720  21m  14m S  0.0  8.5   0:00.70 kwrite
> > >
> > > .. this is accurate enough for me to assume that kedit has no
> > > resource usage advantage over kwrite.
> >
> > So it's your claim that KEdit uses 22 megabytes of RAM?
> Its my claim that they both use the approximate same amount of RAM.
> I know top is not a good metric, but it is equally skewed for both
> applications and as such is a valid comparison.

Yeah, well I can come up with numbers too.  According to kpm, KWrite's size 
is 60994, with an RSS of 19968 vs KEdit's size of 58808 and 17832.  So by 
this measure KEdit uses a full 2MB less than KWrite. I'd say that shows 
KWrite using significantly more resources.

And I have a release build here. -O2, disable-debug, enable-final, all that 
good stuff.

> > > noatun does not, and noatun focuses on things Juk does not. But
> > > KEdit and KWrite focus on the exact same thing, plain text editing,
> > > and KEdit has no advantages to offer at all over KWrite.
> >
> > You keep saying that but you show no evidence of that.   Right here
> > right now I can't manage to get KWrite to do XIM, spell checking, or
> > loading of a file with a given character set on the command line.
> If you can't use spell checking in KWrite or can't load files with
> certain charsets, I would suggest you have issues with your build since
> I can do all this fine. As for XIM I have no idea.

OK, if it's all my fault, tell me the command line to open a UTF8 file?

And when was spell checking added to KWrite?  If it was added since KDE 3.1 
then I woudln't see it right now.

As for XIM, I suggest you read up on it before continuing to call for 
KEdit's removal.  KDE isn't for Europrean use only.  To find out what it 
is, see  It works in most of 
KDE already, including KEdit.

> > If you don't use KEdit, so be it.  But why take it away from others
> > who want it?
> Because its using an outdated widget and is unmaintained. If KWrite
> lacks XIM then it should be added to it, we shouldnt be using that as an
> excuse to keep this old outdated applicaiton.

So which person who hates KEdit is going to do it?  It'd be a total waste 
of my time, along with any other KEdit user's, to add features to a text 
editor I don't use, when all those features already exist in a text editor 
I do use.

> But if for some reason KEdit is kept, it needs a  lot of work. it is not
> using the standard find and replace dialogs, and should be using
> KTextEdit not KEdit for the entry widget.

It's using kdeui stuff.  If KEdFind is obsolete, consider documenting it as 
such.  Instructions for converting from KEdFind to the new one would be 
appreciated, too.  That'd help everyone who has used that class, including 
those who have looked to KEdit as an example (including me in Noatun 
Hayes).  :-)

As for KTextEdit, does what does it do that KEdit (the widget) doesn't?  
I'd hesitate to mess with working code without good reason.

- -- 
Neil Stevens - neil at
"The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep's throat, for which the
sheep thanks the shepherd as a liberator, while the wolf denounces him
for the same act as the destroyer of liberty." -- Abraham Lincoln
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