(Semi-OT): Out of town, getting married!

Michael Brade brade at kde.org
Thu Apr 17 03:13:50 BST 2003

Hey Ellis,

> I'll be mostly out of commission as far as KDE goes for the next few weeks.
> I'm getting married to a German girl on the 26th of April here in Freiburg
> Germany, and the family and friends from the US have already arrived.  I
> met her several years ago, but we first became involved the day after the
> KDE developers meeting in Nurnburg last year. ;)
Now that is beautiful news! :) Whish you all the best for your future and 
enjoy your honeymoon.

Michael Brade;                 KDE Developer, Student of Computer Science
  |-mail: echo brade !#|tr -d "c oh"|s\e\d 's/e/\@/2;s/$/.org/;s/bra/k/2'
  °--web: http://www.kde.org/people/michaelb.html

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