Pressing and releasing the Win-key opens the K-Menu

david mattatall davidsmind at
Tue Apr 1 11:37:12 BST 2003

On March 31, 2003 01:14 pm, Ellis Whitehead wrote:
> One of the problems is that keyboards with extended keys are rarely
> configured with the correct X keyboard map, and so the keys can't even be
> properly addressed...  Assuming the right map is being used, however, it
> would be good to get a convenient interface for assigning the extended keys
> to execute specific actions.  I've been thinking about how to do this for
> the last few days.  If you have any suggestions, let me know. ;)
> Regards,
> Ellis

Maybe all we need is a good KDE-Front End to XKB? Is there even an existing 
front end to XKB?

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