Bug in KAction::initPrivate

Martijn Klingens martijn at martijn.homeip.net
Thu Sep 26 10:52:51 BST 2002

On Wednesday 25 September 2002 16:09, Michael Brade wrote:
> Hmmm... this still leaves us without a fix for KNotes. I tried a lazy way:
> just disconnect the activated signals in KSelectAction's CTOR but somehow
> this doesn't work - I can't disconnect anything in KSelectAction's CTOR,
> not even this->disconnect() works, it returns false :-( Why?

An obvious workaround would be to not pass the slot to the constructor, but 
connect manually to activated() after the object's creation. But after 
rereading the thread I wonder what exactly wouldn't work for you if the '{x}' 
magic is reverted by Simon to KDE 3.0's behaviour. Could you explain?

(Oh, and I have no idea why your disconnect in the ctor doesn't work, sorry.)

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