QStyle::stylePixmap, KDockWidget header height

Andreas Zehender zehender at kde.org
Thu Sep 26 07:21:04 BST 2002


On Thursday 26 September 2002 00:05, Maksim Orlovich wrote:
> > Are there any special cases for the KDockWidget class in the kde styles
> > that don't work with the KPovModeler dock widget? On what depends the
> > returned icon size?
> Yes, unfortunately, Keramik has to treat KDockWidget separately because
> the default-size button is way too large for this :-( I can't think of a
> nice solution right of the bat, but I'll keep thinking about it.

Then the themeable close button does not work as expected and requires some 
ugly hacks in the styles. I will revert it for KPovModeler.

IMHO it should be reverted in KDockWidget, too.


 Andreas Zehender, Dipl. Ing. (BA)
 Student, 10th semester computer science
 az at azweb.de | zehender at kde.org      

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