[PATCH] QListBox ensureCurrentVisible() brokenness...

Scott Wheeler wheeler at kde.org
Mon Sep 23 20:05:32 BST 2002

Currently with QListBox, there are calls to ensureCurrentVisible() in a few         
problematic places.  Specifically it is called in resizeEvent() and       
refreshSlot() (which is called by triggerUpdate(true)).         
There are a few basic problems that this causes when you are using a QListBox     
that is larger than the view frame.  First, all calls to triggerUpdate() will     
artificially force the QListBox to scroll back to the selected item.  This is     
where I initially noticed the bug, but when looking through the source, I     
noticed the same things happens with resizeEvent() and triggerUpdate(true) is    
also called by removeItem().   This affects Qt 3.0.6 and 3.1 Beta.   
Here's are a few examples:    
*) Create a QListBox and add several items.  Compile and run.  Scroll down the    
list and then resize the QListBox.  You will be returned to the selected item    
(even if it is the first item in a list of 50 and you were currently viewing    
the last).    
*) Remove an item while viewing a part of the list that does not contain the    
current item.  Again, you will be returned to viewing the selected item.    
*) Call trigger update under certain circustances from the [subclass of]    
QListBoxItem paint() method.  This one's really nasty.  If you're scrolling    
through the list, items are painted as you scroll.  If the condition is true    
they you are returned to the selection.  This was the one that I originally    
noticed.   I'm attaching a example of this.  Just compile, run and then try to   
scroll down (without selecting anything).  Yuck...   
So, the fix:   
I added checks to see if the current item is visible *before* doLayout() is   
called (which is the case in both of the affected methods) and only call   
ensureCurrentVisible() if the current item was visible beforehand.    
Any objections to me committing this to qt-copy?  (I *hope* this isn't the 
intended behavior.) 
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