Houston, we have a problem.

Don Sanders sanders at kde.org
Sun Sep 8 12:00:31 BST 2002

On Sunday 08 September 2002 06:21, Dirk Mueller wrote:
> On Fre, 06 Sep 2002, Michael Häckel wrote:
> > Already testing and finding out that the problem is really caused
> > by Don's changes and not by others and pointing out these
> > problems causes additional work for all other developers because
> > Don is not willing to deal with bug reports by users.
> I see. As Don doesn't seem to care about answering my mails either
> I ask you to revert Dons commit if it causes further problems which
> cannot be solved easily.

Dirk I actually received only one mail from you on Friday morning and 
I responded to it on the same Friday morning Australia time.

When I saw your message here I forwarded that mail to you, that was 
several hours ago but I still haven't got a response from you.

If there is some problem with my mail getting to you then I can post 
my reply to you on this list if it's ok to post your private message 
here (it should be there's nothing sensitive in it).

I'm not sure that's necessary as I would like to revert my patch now. 
I'm not aware of any remaining bugs in it, but I don't want it to be 
a problem for others either.


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