[PATCH] KSpell: use non-multi ASpell dictionaries

Stanislav Visnovsky visnovsky at nenya.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Wed Oct 23 10:38:46 BST 2002


The current KSpell configuration widget does not allow to use
ASpell dictionaries, which are not ".multi", such as the german one.
The patch restores the original behavior. 

Unfortunately, you will get a long list of english dictionaries, since it 
will list all multi-dictionaries as well as the variants used in the 

Best regards


-------------- next part --------------
? aspell.patch
Index: ksconfig.cpp
RCS file: /home/kde/kdelibs/kspell/ksconfig.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.69
diff -u -3 -p -r1.69 ksconfig.cpp
--- ksconfig.cpp	2002/09/13 06:43:40	1.69
+++ ksconfig.cpp	2002/10/23 09:23:53
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ void KSpellConfig::getAvailDictsAspell (
   kdDebug(750) << "KSpellConfig::getAvailDictsAspell "
 	       << dir.filePath() << " " << dir.dirPath() << endl;
-  QDir thedir (dir.filePath(),"*.multi");
+  QDir thedir (dir.filePath(),"*");
   kdDebug(750) << "KSpellConfig" << thedir.path() << "\n" << endl;
   kdDebug(750) << "entryList().count()="

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