Bug in eventloop handling in KDE's qt-copy (half a day old)

Joseph Wenninger jowenn at kde.org
Sun Oct 13 01:21:33 BST 2002


I think I found a bug in the enterLoop method. I have an application,
which uses excessivly enter_loop, exit_loop, which worked perfect with
Qt 3.0.x, but doesn't work anymore with Qt 3.1 beta X. The application
is quanta in the KDE's cvs reprository.

If I compare the code from Qt 3.0.5 and 3.1 beta, I think (and tested)
that the following patch should fix the problem, and I can't see any
negative side effects.

Kind regards
Joseph Wenninger

RCS file: /home/kde/qt-copy/src/kernel/qeventloop.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -3 -p -r1.5 qeventloop.cpp
--- src/kernel/qeventloop.cpp   2002/10/09 12:34:07     1.5
+++ src/kernel/qeventloop.cpp   2002/10/12 23:12:59
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ int QEventLoop::enterLoop()
     // exitloop set so that all other event loops drop out.
     d->exitloop = old_exitloop || d->quitnow;

-    if ( d->looplevel <= 1 ) {
+    if ( d->looplevel < 1 ) {
        d->quitnow = FALSE;
        d->exitloop = FALSE;
        emit qApp->aboutToQuit();

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