What has happened to the KDE League?

Shawn Gordon shawn at thekompany.com
Mon Oct 7 00:16:59 BST 2002

At 02:43 AM 10/6/2002, you wrote:
>Shawn Gordon wrote:
>[ ... ]
> > >As to the supposed IRS from, since theKompany.com was briefly a 
> member, you
> > >should know that the League is not a non-profit but rather a
> > >not-for-profit and
> > >hence need not file the forms.
> >
> > this link might prove insightful then
> > http://www.nonprofits.org/npofaq/01/09.html
>I don't find it so.  While I appreciate your concern, Shawn, there's no 
>need to
>worry about it.

Perhaps you need to review the bylaws, which state:

"Section 1.1. Name. The name of this non-profit
corporation is the International KDE League, Inc. It is hereinafter
referred to as the 'League' in these Bylaws."



Shawn Gordon

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