[PATCH] Add dontAskAgainName parameter to queuedMessageBox()

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at kde.org
Sun Oct 6 21:56:48 BST 2002


I realized why a queuedMessageBox doesn't have dontAskAgainName 
parameter. The reason is that the state of this checkbox will be 
checked directly after the dialog is put in the dialog queue and not 
when the dialog is closed by the user. In order to make a "Don't ask 
again" checkbox work in a queuedMessageBox we would have to derive a 
class from KDialogBase which saves the state of the checkbox in it's 
d'tor. That should be done sometime but probably not now.

Therefore please consider the attached patch which only adds the options 
parameter to KMessageBox::queuedMessageBox() (by overloading this 
member function). This makes it possible to display links also in 
queued message boxes.


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